Why Make A Claim? Lawyers in Pasadena, CA

Filing Your Claim

If you believe you or a loved one has suffered from elder abuse or nursing home neglect, contact the attorneys at DeWitt Algorri & Algorri. Serving the Pasadena area and the state of California, we are committed to helping seniors and their families through challenging situations. We have experience litigating against nursing homes, hospitals and assisted living facilities. Sadly, we have also protected victims of elder abuse from their own family members. The following are types of elder abuse and their warning signs:

  • Physical abuse, which includes beating, pushing and shoving or using physical restraints.
  • Sexual abuse, including nonconsensual sexual contact of any kind.
  • Emotional abuse is the infliction of anguish or pain through verbal or nonverbal acts. This includes assaults, insults, threats, intimidation, humiliation, and harassment. It can also include isolating an individual from his or her family, friends or from regular activities.
  • Neglect, which is the refusal or failure to fulfill any part of a person’s obligations or duties to an elder. Neglect may include failure to provide a person with such life necessities as food, water, clothing, shelter, personal hygiene, medicine, personal safety and other essentials.
  • Another example would be abandonment or the desertion of an elderly person by an individual who has assumed responsibility for providing care.
  • Financial abuse, which includes the illegal or improper use of an individual’s funds, property or assets. Examples include cashing a person’s checks without authorization; forging a signature; misusing or stealing money or possessions; or coercing or deceiving an elderly person into signing any document such as a will or contract.

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